Wednesday 27 April 2011

They Told Me This Is A Free Country... But Now It Feels Like A Chicken Factory...

I'm the chicken factory!!... People have been asking me if I want to do things (bits of modelling, attending networking events etc) and I always say no... Problem is i'm so ridiculously shy I don't even let my own friends take pictures of me!!...

Any ideas of how I can start to overcome nerves, shyness, embarrassment would be greatly appreciated?!?! 
Yep, definitely time to change... My blog design too- it's such an eyesore! lol

Anyway, i'll post some pics from my Manchester visit tomorrow :)

Hope everyone is well.
Toodles to you bitches xx

(P.s. Title = lyrics from the M.I.A. song 'Lovalot')


  1. put a coin on your shoes when you are going to events... my mom used to tell me it helps take away the anxiety and the shyness... hope it helps....

    i wish you'd be able to over come it...

    Fashion Profiles

  2. Hmm shouldn't be shy about events. You should just do you, maybe take a friend to events, I tend to feel less shy when I have a friend. There are a lot of templates on blogger templates if you wanna change your blog aswell.

  3. Maybe if you are feeling shy just pretend you are someone else.. maybe that would work.. haha I haven't ever been too shy because I have always been around loads of people.. If you want to model, you should! because you are really beautiful and have unique fashion, which, I think, makes a great model. I keep forgetting to tell you this but: I think you should get your blog on bloglovin, cuz then it is super easy for me to get to it. HAH! I just want everything easier for me lolz. but it is helpful. Hope you have a good weekend!


Thank you bitches!! xxxx